What do you want to give your life to?
0In the end, that turned out to be the question I had to answer. Again and again and again. Sometimes the question demanded to be answered with an urgency and intensity that made everything else in my world stop until I faced it. Other times, the question called me quietly, patiently, waiting to see if I’d pause in my busyness to notice it and pay attention.
When the day came that I had to decide whether or not to end my marriage – this question burned everything outside it to oblivion. I had wrestled with whether or not to leave my marriage for a bit too long. Life was becoming impatient. My husband was becoming impatient. It was time. I jokingly called this day “My come to Jesus day.”
I spent the day in silence by the ocean. The whole day was a prayer, “Please show me what is true for me. Please show me what will most serve all of us – my husband, my daughter, Life, the Whole…and well, me – this tender, earnest being on a journey of waking up fully.
I cried. I listened. I cried. I sat with huge amounts of anxiety and sadness that I don’t even have words to describe. And then, the question arose, loudly, clearly. “What do you want to give your Life to?”
In that moment, I could no longer deny this truth that had been present in me the last couple of years – this truth that I knew, but didn’t want to know. My marriage was done.
At the time, I didn’t even know all the reasons why it was done. That would take time to unravel and understand. I simply knew it was done. And that left me with this question, “What did I want to give my life to?” If my marriage was done and I stayed, I would be giving my life to safety and comfort, and I would be blatantly denying what was true for me. I would be denying how Life wanted to move in me. I would be choosing safety over truth. Or, I could give my life over to Truth. I could jump into the unknown and trust this Mystery unfolding to take me wherever It wanted me to go.
So I jumped. And here is what I discovered. I can trust this Mystery. Completely. If I can give up every idea of how I think things should look, what I think is “best” for myself or others, every should and shouldn’t – and instead – just listen deeply to the undercurrent of Life and let go into it, then things unfold with a magic, grace and ease that I could never conjure up on my own.
I also learned that every time I ignore or resist how Life wants to move or what is true for me, I suffer. As soon as I catch myself suffering, the questions arises again, “What do I want to give my life to?” And I get to choose once again.