About Sofia


Sofia has been coaching, facilitating and teaching groups in both the corporate and private sectors for over 20 years. She has a gift for making people feel at ease and safe, even amidst great conflict and uncertainty. In the safe space that she creates, she calls forth participants to take risks in practicing honest communication and meeting any difficulty with curiosity and compassion.

Sofia is a certified Getting Real coach and a graduate of both the Coaches Institute Training program and the Co-Active Space Leadership program. In addition to her extensive coaching and facilitation training, Sofia also has her Masters in Physics. Although she no longer practices physics, the initial drive to study physics came from a core desire to deeply know what is most true – this underlying desire is one of the fundamental foundations of her work.

For more about Sofia’s story in her own words…keep reading!

“I have always had a deep passion for seeing what was true. As a young adult, I thought my path to ‘finding out the fundamental truth’ was by studying physics. After obtaining a Masters in Physics, I jokingly told people, “Well, it took me a long time to figure out what I don’t want to do!”

While in graduate school I was also teaching physics to university students and facilitating women’s groups at my university’s Women’s Center. When I completed school, I decided to leave physics behind, and to instead move forward with my love for teaching and facilitating . For the next 15 years, I worked as a corporate trainer, organizational development facilitator and private coach.

Although I had left physics, my passion for understanding truth never waned. In 2001, this inner drive to know truth led me to my root teacher Adyashanti, a teacher from the Zen Buddhist tradition. A few years later my next teacher came along in the form of my daughter Siena! Both Adyashanti and Siena (in addition to many other wonderful teachers) have profoundly influenced my work. They both helped me to shed the stories and beliefs that were preventing me from deeply resting in presence and moving, living, speaking from a place of stillness and ease.

It is this naturalness, ease and presence that allows me to support others in finding and trusting their own truth and living a life that is in harmony with their natural way of being.  My work – which I call Intimacy with Truth work – is focused on creating a space where people can shift their life orientation from one of fear, anxiety and mistrust of themselves, to one that is grounded in truth, stillness, aliveness and deep trust in their own wisdom. For the last 4 years I have been facilitating groups and working individually with clients to support them in this change in orientation. It is work that is deeply aligned with my own heart and truth and I feel immense gratitude to work with each person who crosses my path.